LKP Babaking Academy | Sertfikasi Perhotelan Kapal Pesiar

lkp babaking academy

serving courses

English language
cruise ship
land hotels
Japanese language

Course Options

The Best Courses That Can Be Tailored To Your Free Time

English language courses

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training programs designed to help you learn and improve your English language skills. We offer several levels, from beginner to advanced level, and you can choose to take courses offline so that the language maturation process is more effective.

cruise ship hospitality

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Training programs designed to help you learn and improve your cruise ship service skills. Starting from the basics of service on a cruise ship to mentoring guidance to being accepted for work at one of the hotels on a cruise ship that partners with us.

land hotels

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training program designed to help you learn and improve your service skills in hospitality. Starting from the basics of hotel service to mentoring and being accepted for work at one of the hotels in Indonesia that partners with us.

Japanese language course

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training program designed to help you learn and improve your Japanese language skills. We offer several levels, from beginner to advanced level, and you can choose to take courses offline so that the language maturation process is more effective.